EKG Technician Training in Indiana

No laws addressing EKG technician training and certification requirements in the state of Indiana currently exist. The majority of the states in the US classify the EKG technician as unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) who is subject to nurse delegation guidelines. In most facilities, the UAP is required to work under the direct supervision of a licensed physician or registered nurse. Licensed providers assess the appropriateness of the delegation of tasks and assume responsibility for the patient care outcomes.

Career Entry Opportunities

Many people who end up working as an EKG technician have prior patient care experience in a generalized area of the medical system. Two of the most popular fields in which unlicensed personnel begin their career include that of certified nurse aide or radiologic technologist. Although these two employment options are not the only way to acquire the type of credentials needed to become a competitive applicant for an EKG technician position, they do provide the means by which many people develop a solid foundation for the essentials of patient care that exist in all specialties. Those who may be interested in considering these options are encouraged to become familiar with relevant education, training, and certification requirements.

According to the state of Indiana, a certified nurse aide (CNA) is a person who works primarily in long term care and who assists residents with activities of daily living under the supervision of a nurse. In order to become a nurse aide, one must complete a state approved nurse aide training program, pass the nurse aide competency evaluation, and be listed in good standing on the Indiana Nurse Aide Registry. Training programs for a nurse aide must consist of at least 30 hours of classroom instruction and 75 hours of clinical training. The competency evaluation is administered by Ivy Tech Community College the fee for both the written and skills test is $75. Additional information can be found on the Indiana Department of Health website.

For those who wish to work in a specialized area that also provides exposure to the basic patient care elements that will need to be mastered in order to become an EKG technician, the Medical Radiology Services Program may be a good option. The Program is responsible for licensing radiologic technologists, nuclear medicine technologists, and radiation therapists. These career opportunities have more stringent employment requirements because they handle equipment and provide services that represent increased risk to patients. While these fields may require additional time and effort, they often pay more and result in credentials that can be very helpful when attempting to secure a job as an EKG technician. Detailed information about education, training, certification, and licensing requirements can be found on the state’s radiology website.

Nurse aide and radiologic technologist career opportunities represent excellent options for acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to become a technician in the cardiovascular field. Additional avenues into the profession include positions such as dialysis technician, dental assistant, and the pharmacy technician. Each area has its own set of practice standards and employment expectations that must be considered prior to beginning one’s journey. It is a good idea to contact potential employers to learn more about the career path.

State Contact Information

Indiana Department of Health

Phone:         (317) 233-7621
Alternate:   (317) 233-7022
Email:          twhitson@isdh.in.gov

Indiana State Seal2 N. Meridian St., 4th Floor Selig     Indianapolis, IN 46204

Indiana Board of Nursing

Phone:         (317) 234-2043
Fax:             (317) 233-4236
Email:          pla2@pla.in.gov

402 W. Washington St., Room W072     Indianapolis, IN 46204

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